Chirality confirmation of nanocrystalline compounds
The absolute conformation of chiral drugs is crucial to the safety of the drugs. Currently, the
chiral confirmation of compounds is generally solved by growing large-sized single crystals and
X-ray diffraction. ReadCrystal provide MicroED-based chiral confirmation of nanocrystals through
self-developed structure refinement algorithm.
L-Tartaric acid
Tartaric acid is a natural product widely found in fruits with two mutually symmetric chiral
carbons, three spin isomers. It is often used as a raw material in the pharmaceutical industry.
The chiral structure of tartaric acid makes it a very important chiral ligand and chiral
substrate in organic synthesis, which can be used to prepare many well-known chiral catalysts
and as a chiral source to synthesize complex natural product molecules.
Levetiracetam is a new generation of highly effective anti-epileptic drugs with a promising
market in the pharmaceutical field. As a synthetic drug, the key to the synthesis process is to
control the optical purity of the levoracetam isomer. With the continuous development of
chemical processes, chiral synthesis means as a new method to promote the progress of
levetiracetam synthesis process.
Structure determination of each pure form in mixed crystal forms
When multiple mixtures are crushed and dispersed on the copper grid of the electron microscope,
the particles of various compounds can be clearly observed under the electron microscope, and
the tiny crystal particles among them are selected to collect diffraction data by MicroED. By
determining the single cell parameters, the identity of each compound can be quickly
distinguished, and the crystal structure of each compound can be obtained after structural