About Us
About Us
ReadCrystal Biotechnology is a CRO specializing in structural analysis services, offering high-quality services for pharmaceutical companies and life science researchers in the drug discovery field.

The company has established a service platform with X-ray crystallography, Cryo-EM SPA, and MicroED as core structural analysis technologies. This platform provides services in protein expression and purification, structural biology, biophysical characterization, and drug screening, accelerating the processes for clients in the early stages of drug discovery.

MicroED technology, recognized by Science as one of the top ten breakthroughs in 2018, plays a crucial role in resolving nano-sized crystal structures. The founding team of ReadCrystal consists of the inventors of the MicroED technology in Stockholm, and they have established the world's first commercial MicroED service platform, solving the structural analysis challenges of small crystals for clients globally.

We aim to provide high-quality services to our clients using our advanced technology and platform. In the initial stages of projects, we engage in thorough discussions with clients to understand their project details. We then tailor the best experimental plans based on the clients' objectives and requirements, ensuring they obtain accurate results smoothly.
Founding Team
Dr. Junliang Sun <p>Founder and Scientist</p>
Dr. Junliang Sun

Founder and Scientist

Principal Investigator of Inorganic Solid State Materials Chemistry Research group, General-Secretary of Chinese Crystallographic Society, Vice President of Chinese Crystallographic Society. Authored more than 100 publications, including Nature, Science, Nature Mater., Nature Nanotech, Nature Chem., J. Am. Chem. Soc., Angew. Chem. etc.
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Dr. Xiaoguang Lei <p>Founder and Scientist</p>
Dr. Xiaoguang Lei

Founder and Scientist

Member, International Chemical Biology Society (ICBS)
Member, Chinese-American Chemistry Professor Association (CAPA)
Member, American Chemical Society
Member, Chinese Chemical Society
Member, Chinese Pharmaceutical Association
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Dr. Felix Liu <p>Founder and CEO</p>
Dr. Felix Liu

Founder and CEO

Scientist, member of the original MicroED technology team. Founder and CEO of ReadCrystal Biotechnology.
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150 +
500 +
200 +
Expressed Protein
500 +
Resolved Protein
Complex Structures
100 +
Resolved Drug Molecule
200 +
Resolved Material
Molecule Structures
Our Facilities
ReadCrystal Biotechnology has developed its own cutting-edge MicroED platform, along with Cryo-EM SPA and X-ray crystallography commercial services, to deliver comprehensive structural biology solutions.